Friday Nov 10, 2023

Crack Pipe Vending Machines, Apple Healthcare, Warren Buffett’s Investments, & Tip Creeping

Did New York really spend close to $700,000 on a crack pipe vending machine? Yes, they did. Well, at least that's what they're telling us it costs to purchase, train, and install the single machine. Apple has been venturing into the healthcare scene for quite some time, but is their prediction that they could bring in 300 million yearly from their new avenue realistic? Charlie Munger and Warren Buffett seem to have a knack for turning investments into profit. These two may have some sort of crystal ball that tells them which financial buttons to push, or they might just be some of the most savvy and patient businessmen the world has ever known. Are you sick and tired of being asked to tip when you didn't actually receive any service? Yeah, we are too, and we don't think we're being unreasonable.

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